MinistriesCare & Support
This ministry maintains relationships and provides comfort, caring, communion, and communication to congregants who are ill, having surgery, and/or are unable to attend church.
This ministry maintains relationships and provides comfort, caring, communion, and communication to congregants who are ill, having surgery, and/or are unable to attend church.
This ministry provides intervention for elementary age children to prevent the loss of reading skills during the summer.
This ministry engages young adults in serving children grades K – 5 in high-need San Antonio neighborhoods.
This ministry provides fun and fellowship for the retirees of Northern Hills UMC.
Established by ten United Methodist Churches in San Antonio in 1997, the Texas Diaper Bank has been working to meet the basic needs of vulnerable babies, children with disabilities and seniors.
This ministry engages a fellowship of men in Christ into a workforce of service to Northern Hills UMC and the community.
Emmaus ministries exist to inspire, challenge, and equip local faith communities for Christian action in their homes, churches, communities, and places of work.
This ministry strives to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities...
This ministry offers incarcerated youth an opportunity to change their lives and value systems by introducing them to Jesus Christ.
This ministry supports the families of men and women who are, or have been incarcerated in the country’s state and federal correctional facilities, as well as county jails and offender programs.