Missions - UMCOR
Emergency response to disaster is managed in the United Methodist Church by United Methodist Commission on Relief (UMCOR).
Emergency response to disaster is managed in the United Methodist Church by United Methodist Commission on Relief (UMCOR).
World Vision International is a Christian humanitarian aid, development, and advocacy organization.
This ministry is for widows and widowers.
This ministry offers incarcerated youth an opportunity to change their lives and value systems by introducing them to Jesus Christ.
This ministry strives to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities...
This ministry supports the families of men and women who are, or have been incarcerated in the country’s state and federal correctional facilities, as well as county jails and offender programs.
This ministry engages young adults in serving children grades K – 5 in high-need San Antonio neighborhoods.
This ministry provides intervention for elementary age children to prevent the loss of reading skills during the summer.
This group of women gather together to do crafts of all sorts.