Northern Hills UMC


3703 N Loop 1604 East
San Antonio, TX 78247

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In person and online services 

Traditional  |  8:30 a.m.  |  Worship Center
Contemporary  |  11:00 a.m.  |  Worship Center

In person only

Traditional  | 11:00 a.m.  |  Sanctuary  

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Ministry Center


4306 Naco Pass
San Antonio, TX 78217

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Service Times

La Roca Bilingual Worship, 1:00 p.m. - in person and livestreamed

Click here for La Roca Service

La Roca Communion Service, 2:15 p.m. - in person only



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Wild to the End (Traditional)

Series: Wild

Elijah’s life was wild right up to the end, but it was also part of a bigger wild, but beautiful, story.

Elijah went out with flair. Yet, more than the wild adventures of his life, the biggest significance of Elijah’s story was the bigger story of which he was a part. He stood on the shoulders of prophets who had come before him, and other prophets followed, even including the last great prophet under the old covenant, John the Baptist. Elijah served God faithfully in one of Israel’s wildest seasons, and was honored at the end in a way that only God could do.

Speaker: Bob Allen

August 11, 2024
2 Kings 2:11-12

Bob Allen

Associate Pastor

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