Northern Hills UMC


3703 N Loop 1604 East
San Antonio, TX 78247

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Service Times

In person and online services 

Traditional  |  8:30 a.m.  |  Worship Center
Contemporary  |  11:00 a.m.  |  Worship Center

In person only

Traditional  | 11:00 a.m.  |  Sanctuary  

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Ministry Center


4306 Naco Pass
San Antonio, TX 78217

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Service Times

La Roca Bilingual Worship, 1:00 p.m. - in person and livestreamed

Click here for La Roca Service

La Roca Communion Service, 2:15 p.m. - in person only



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Recognize your Need of Help: Asa (Bilingual)

Series: Recognize the King

Asa is a king in the direct line of King David. Yet, Asa’s seemed to have been the achievement of self-security even to the point of raiding the house of the Lord. And why? To use the looted goods as a bribe the Syrian leader. Here, Asa’s limitation is met as one who was known as a decent ruler. His limitation is that when things get sticky and murky, Asa turns to his own wisdom and self-counsel to achieve a favorable result. That sounds a lot like us, people who often see God as a final possibility, rather than our initial line of defense in all things in life. How can God lead us back to Him?

Speaker: Abdon Garza

February 18, 2024
2 Chronicles 14:11

Abdon Garza

Community Pastor

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