Northern Hills UMC


3703 N Loop 1604 East
San Antonio, TX 78247

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Service Times

In person and online services 

Traditional  |  8:30 a.m.  |  Worship Center
Contemporary  |  11:00 a.m.  |  Worship Center

In person only

Traditional  | 11:00 a.m.  |  Sanctuary  

Click here for online services



Ministry Center


4306 Naco Pass
San Antonio, TX 78217

More Info

Service Times

La Roca Bilingual Worship, 1:00 p.m. - in person and livestreamed

Click here for La Roca Service

La Roca Communion Service, 2:15 p.m. - in person only



Register your attendanceclick here


Adult Discipleship

Being in community with your church family is vitally important to your faith walk. Whether it's a Sunday School class, the quilting group, United Methodist Women, or United Methodist Men, we encourage you to try out some different classes and groups here at Northern Hills and find the best fit for you.  These smaller groups are where we forge friendships, pray for each other, and learn from each other.  We hope you'll find a comfortable place to belong at Northern Hills!

Northern Hills is committed to the continued spiritual growth and maturity of adults and their families.  Sundays are an obvious place for adults to connect with one another, but there is so much more offered by Northern Hills to fit into the daily lives of everyone.

Sunday School

There are many opportunities to build relationships as you build your faith through group study of the Bible and biblically-based curriculum designed to teach believers.  Classes are offered at 9:45 a.m.  You are invited to join a class.  Feel free to visit around until you find the class that is right for you.  


Bible Study

Bible studies and classes are offered on many days of the week, mornings and evenings.  In the fall, winter and spring, there is always something available to meet you where you are on your faith journey. 

  FIND A bible study or class

Small Groups

We believe we were created to do life together!  We'd love to get to know you and encourage and support you in life and on your journey of getting to know Jesus better.

  FIND A SMALL group

Men's Ministry

United Methodist Men (UMM)

Men of all ages meet bi-monthly at a restaurant for fellowship and a meal.  They host several fundraisers throughout the year, including an annual golf tournament, to support mission projects, outreach ministries, and the youth of the church.