Northern Hills UMC


3703 N Loop 1604 East
San Antonio, TX 78247

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Service Times

In person and online services 

Traditional  |  8:30 a.m.  |  Worship Center
Contemporary  |  11:00 a.m.  |  Worship Center

In person only

Traditional  | 11:00 a.m.  |  Sanctuary  

Click here for online services



Ministry Center


4306 Naco Pass
San Antonio, TX 78217

More Info

Service Times

La Roca Bilingual Worship, 1:00 p.m. - in person and livestreamed

Click here for La Roca Service

La Roca Communion Service, 2:15 p.m. - in person only



Register your attendanceclick here

Lay Leadership

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 13:34-35 (NIV)

Hello and welcome to the Northern Hills UMC website!  My name is Juanda DeCoulaz and I will be serving as Lay Leader for the Northern Hills United Methodist Church congregation this year.

What is the Lay Leader you ask? I didn’t really know either, but I am quickly finding out! The Lay Leader is the primary representative of the congregation to the pastor and the board. The Lay Leader works to foster the laity in their ministries, studies and service opportunities.

I became a member of NHUMC in 2015 when I returned to San Antonio after a 10 year hiatus in north Texas. Since that time, I have enjoyed getting to know many of the members of our church, participating in various activities and volunteering for different events and ministries.               

I am a certified lay servant, sing in the sanctuary choir and attend the 8:30 traditional worship service. I love attending the W.O.W. service and having the opportunity to share communion with other congregants each week during that time. I enjoy contemporary worship and periodically attend that service, as well.

I am a member of the Open Door Sunday school class and also volunteer at the Food Pantry weekly.

I have also served on the SPRC committee and the Council on Ministry.

I look forward to meeting more of our members and welcoming new folks into our congregation. If you don’t know me, please seek me out on Sunday morning to introduce yourself (I’m usually in the coffee area about 9:30!) or send me an email at to share your thoughts and/or concerns.

Best regards,

Juanda DeCoulaz
NHUMC Lay Leader


Brian Boles


Jennifer Kester


Juanda De Coulaz

Lay Leader

Frank Barth


Toby Harryman


Cindy Shoffstall


Stephen Faulstitch


Molly Bullis


Christine Reyes-Swank


Lupina Villalpando-Stewart

Senior Pastor

Bob Allen

Associate Pastor - Center

Abdon Garza

Associate Pastor - Edge

Dudley Harral

Executive Administrator

Request for Action by NHUMC Leadership Board

For privacy reasons, contact information for our lay leadership is not available on the website.
If you need contact information for someone, please contact the church office.