Northern Hills UMC


3703 N Loop 1604 East
San Antonio, TX 78247

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Service Times

In person and online services 

Traditional  |  8:30 a.m.  |  Worship Center
Contemporary  |  11:00 a.m.  |  Worship Center

In person only

Traditional  | 11:00 a.m.  |  Sanctuary  

Click here for online services



Ministry Center


4306 Naco Pass
San Antonio, TX 78217

More Info

Service Times

La Roca Bilingual Worship, 1:00 p.m. - in person and livestreamed

Click here for La Roca Service

La Roca Communion Service, 2:15 p.m. - in person only



Register your attendanceclick here


Membership with Our Congregation

Why is it important?

Becoming a member with our congregation is important because it is our public commitment to you and you with us, to be a Christian family where we vow to grow together in our faith in Christ.  We promise to glorify the Lord with our lives, and we become accountable to participate in our congregation with our prayers, presence, gifts, witness, and service.

As the United Methodist Church organization explains: “For United Methodists, membership means being part of a fellowship of followers of Jesus Christ who seek to make the world more like the Kingdom of God.  Being a member means becoming as much a part of the church, the body of Christ, as our limbs are members of our own physical bodies.  Just as our bodies are formed in the waters of the womb, so we become part of the body of Christ through the waters of baptism.”

Ways to Join

Profession of Faith - a first-time commitment to Christ through the Sacrament of Baptism*

Reaffirmation of faith — a reaffirmation of your commitment to Christ

Transfer of membership from another United Methodist church

Transfer of membership from another denomination

* The Sacrament of Baptism is a requirement to join the United Methodist Church.  If you have ever been baptized in any Christian denomination, there is no need to be re-baptized. 

How do I Join?

Let the pastors know that you desire to join into membership by contacting any of them through email or by calling the church office.

The pastors will set a Sunday date with you when you will be invited to join by coming forward during the worship service, where the pastor will introduce you, ask you about joining, and pray for you.   If you would like to become a member in a more private setting, or on another day besides on a Sunday, we will schedule that for you.

Once you are scheduled to join, print the form below, fill it out and bring it with you the day your big day.

Membership Form


New Member Classes are open to everyone,
no matter where you are on your faith journey.

NHUMC in ACTion Classes for 2023:

NHUMC Combined ACTion Class "A" - Ask & Acquire
     & "C" - Connection & Commitment:  

Sunday, March 5, 12:15-12:45 p.m., lunch, 12:45-4:00 p.m. class (1604 Campus)

Sunday, July 16, 12:15-12:45 p.m., lunch, 12:45-4:00 p.m. class (1604 Campus)

Note:  This class is dedicated to any new and/or existing Lay Leadership 
  (Leadership Board, Lay Leadership Committee, SPRC and
  Delegates to Annual Conference)

Servant Leader Training:

Saturday, August 19, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Ministry Center Campus

Note: this class should include any new and/or existing Lay Leadership that has not completed the Servant Leader program, in addition to any other church members designated by pastors and/or staff; 12 persons minimum

NHUMC Combined ACTion Class "A" - Ask & Acquire
     & "C" - Connection & Commitment:  

Sunday, March 5, 12:15-12:45 p.m., lunch, 12:45-4:00 p.m. class (1604 Campus)

Sunday, October 15, 12:15-12:45 p.m. lunch; 12:45-4:00 p.m. A & C classes OR
if combination class approach was not successful in March, just an A class from 12:15-1:45 p.m.

NHUMC ACTion Class "A" - Ask & Acquire

Sunday, November 12, 
12:15-1:45  p.m. 
Note: only needed if October was just an A class

If you would like more information about the above classes or to sign up for one of the above classes contact Susan Bartlett at 210-654-0881, ext, 209 or click the button below to email. 

contact me!


              NHUMC  in ACTion

Prayer – We want to maintain the Lord as the leader, guide, and way to follow in this season.  We do not want to get distracted with things that take us away from His will, but to move toward His plan.

Support as a member – Prayers, presence, gifts, witness, and service are the ways that we support each other to maintain ourselves healthy as a congregation.

Learn and get involved in our NHUMC ACTion program -  The purpose of this program is to precisely facilitate the process of assimilation to every person that comes to this congregation.  This process will help a person at his or her own “speed” to grow and explore the way our congregation functions, places where he/she can serve, tools that will help him/her to learn more about himself/herself, and experiences in his/her own lives than can be used to serve in the Body of Christ.”

Regardless if you have been a member for the entire life of this church or if you just came to visit for the first time last week, this program will welcome and encourage you to participate.

A = Ask & Acquire Stage (1.5 hour class)

Audience and Purpose:  Any person at NHUMC, whether member or visitor, that wants to
become knowledgeable about the church and the United Methodist denomination.
A look back: United Methodism
NHUMC: Yesterday and Today
Everything you need to know about NHUMC
The Church in ACTion

C = Connection & Commitment Stage (1.5 hour class)

Audience:  Any person at NHUMC, whether member or visitor, that desires an understanding of his/her
spiritual gifts and how those gifts connect to NHUMC’s mission.
Purpose:  To help participants understand and connect their spiritual gifts to the mission of NHUMC so that
they can determine where they can effectively serve the church.
How God designed you
Connecting YOU and NHUMC

T = Try & Thrive Stage (“Hands on” practice)

Audience:  Any person at NHUMC, whether member or visitor, that is ready to begin serving in his/her
selected ministry.

Purpose:  Assimilate into chosen ministry.  At this stage, the person is independently seeking information on the places he or she wishes to serve.
Each area will have its own “leader path” to integrate the person successfully into the area of service. The path is clearly defined and documented by the leader of the committee or ministry.

If you would like to be notified when the above classes are scheduled contact Susan Bartlett at 210-654-0881, ext, 220 or click the button below to email.

contact me!


Bob Allen

Associate Pastor

office: 210-654-0881, ext. 206